
Comprehensive water supply scheme for Villianur Subzone and surrounding areas in Puducherry

プロポーザル要請(Request For Proposals)


   3月 27, 2025
4月 10, 2025
INDIA - Public Works Department - AFD Project Unit - Puducherry
   1) Financial Capabilities - INR 942.00 lakhs
2) Minimum Annual Turnover - Minimum average annual turnover of INR 5651 lakhs for the last 5years.
3) General Construction Experience - Experience under construction contracts in the role of prime contractor, JV member for at least the last 5 years, starting 1st January 2020.
4) Specific Construction & Contract Management Experience - i) A minimum number of similar contracts specified below that have been satisfactorily completed and commissioned as a prime contractor, joint venture member between 1st January 2020and application submission deadline: One contract of minimum value INR 4521 lakhs.
5) Specific Experience:
5.1 Providing, laying, jointing testing & commissioning of DI / MS pipes 50.72 Kms for diameters
a) 100 mm and above- 37.98km
b) 150mm and above-6.94km
c) 200mm and above- 2.43km
d) 250mm and above-1.43km
e) 350mm and above-1.94km
5.2. Experience in construction of OHT of 1.60 ML
5.3. Experience in construction of sump / reservoir of 0.6 ML
5.4. Providing, spreading, rolling & compaction of GSB/WBM/WMM for 7444Cum
5.5 Providing, spreading, rolling & compaction of BM/BC/SDBC for 4479Cum
5.6. Providing & installing 3145 house service connection with water meters
5.7. Supplying, erection and commissioning of 3 Nos of 60HP or more centrifugal motors and pumpsets in a water supply system
5.8. Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 200KVA HT Transformer total output loads executed
6) ESHS Certification(s) : a)Quality management certificate ISO 9001; b) Health and safety management certificate ISO 45001
7) ESHS Dedicated Personnel : Availability of in-house personnel dedicated to ESHS issues: Environmental and Social Manager, and/or Health and Safety Manager
565158027 INR
   発行されました: 3月 27, 2025


   Sundaramoorthy Rathinavel
Executive Engineer
AFD Project Unit, Public Works Department, Puducherry
63, Subash Chandra bose street, Ist floor (Computer Design Centre), PWD Complex, Puducherry. India
Puducherry, Puducherry 605001
   + 91413-2338233

物品, サービス



  • アメンドメント: Corrigendum I for bid completion period and specific experience (90 KB; 3月 11, 2025)
  • アメンドメント: Percentage components of material and labour (39 KB; 3月 14, 2025)
  • アメンドメント: Extension of bid submission date (5 MB; 3月 27, 2025)
  • 添付資料: Bid Document (4 MB; 2月 14, 2025)
  • Q&A: Pre bid minutes and reply to pre bid queries (482 KB; 3月 11, 2025)


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